01 : Basics

In this tutorial we will go from knowing nothing about tweedledum to creating and printing a quantum circuit. Note that this tutorial is not a quantum computing 101 tutorial, we assume familiarity of quantum computing at about the level of the textbook “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information” by Nielsen and Chuang.

To begin, please follow the instructions for Installation.

An empty circuit

The basic elements needed for building your first circuit are a circuit type and an operation type. The combination of those two elements is what defines a circuit in tweedledum. You can look at a list of both types in implementations.

To keep this tutorial simple, we shall use the combination netlist and w3_op. Let’s instantiate an empty circuit:

#include <tweedledum/tweedledum.hpp>

int main()
    using namespace tweedledum;
    netlist<w3_op> circuit;

Creating a wires

Once you have a circuit, you can create wires in it. The wire can be either quantum or classical. In the end, you will need both to do anything useful. Creating wires is quite straightforward:

wire::id q0 = circuit.create_qubit("q0");
wire::id c0 = circuit.create_cbit("c0");


In a circuit all wires are named. However, explicitly naming the wires is optional. When the user do not provide a name, the circuit will use a default naming convention to name the wire.


An operation is gate that is applied to a collection of wires, i.e., objects with a wire::id given by a circuit. Now that you have wires in your circuit, you can create operations to manipulate the wires states.

A gate can be applied to wire(s) by directly constructing a operation object, or by calling one of the create_op methods from a circuit—this will also create an operation object. For example:

// directly constructing an operation object and emplacing it in the circuit
w3_op h_op(gate_lib::h, q0);

// directly creating an operation in the circuit
circuit.create_op(gate_lib::h, q0);

You can look at a list of gates available in the gate_lib in The Gate Library. After applying all unitary operations you want, you will need to to measure a the state of quantum wires:

circuit.create_op(gate_lib::measure_z, q0, c0);


Finally, to print the circuit to the terminal we just need to call a function:



#include <tweedledum/tweedledum.hpp>

int main()
    using namespace tweedledum;
    netlist<w3_op> circuit;
    wire::id q0 = circuit.create_qubit("q0");
    wire::id c0 = circuit.create_cbit("c0");
    circuit.create_op(gate_lib::h, q0);
    circuit.create_op(gate_lib::measure_z, q0, c0);

The output:

c0 : ══════════■═══
q0 : ───┤ H ├┤ Mz ├